
Thursday, July 31, 2014

So, what's the deal with the site now?

 Just to name a few things:

- I've gotten back into gaming, and found some really neat RPGs that I want to talk about and make stuff for and so on. I had a whole other blog for that, but in retrospect that made very little sense. Most importantly, I am running my first attempt at a play-by-post game, which I may post some stuff about here.

- I am restarting my comics reading, as well as FINALLY diving into the six (!) pullboxes I won oh so long ago. I know there is some weird stuff in there.

- I am also trying to learn how to draw, so that I can envision my own ideas without having to take other people's work. I'm not jumping on deviantArt or anything, but you may see some pieces here or there.

- I am getting my action figure collection back to pre-robbery levels (check the archives for that story). I finally got a lot of the ones I missed while I was broke and miserable, and my Stikfas collection is growing strong. You will see some of them shortly.

Basically, I am digging deep for material here,  and hopefully I will have at least one or two interesting things on this blog.

I will still do the reviews and the celeb posts, seeing as how they are the only real viewbait I have right now. And I will be doing more updates and personal entries, if for nothing else than to get me in the habit of posting more often. I see no reason not to be upfront about it.

Well, that is all for now. I believe I have some RPG stuff in the pipe right now, and maybe a review or two. Really cool stuff. Can't wait for you to see it. But for now, gotta get back to work.


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