
Thursday, July 17, 2008

This is only the beginning....

I finagled another guest spot on Pajiba, reviewing the utterly awesome Batman: Gotham Knight.

But I am not stopping there. This is part of a plan. A fully calculated plan designed to increase the AQ of this fine site o'mine, plus the others you may not be familiar with. I am taking my disparate Internet ramblings and turning them into a cohesive Web presence.

Also, I an thinking about another brainstorming weekend. I got a little stuck on my current idea, so I want to get some help pushing it on through. If you would like to join in, or just hit me up, I will be online in MSN (ashramknight), AIM (VermillionTK), and Yahoo (tekkamanavalon). I will even be around on Facebook under my real name.

Oh yes, only the beginning....

1 brain pickings:

  1. I may be around on Sunday to help you out with the brainstorming again if you need it? Just kick me if you see me on AIM.


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